How Long Do Carpenter Ants Live

What Are Carpenter Ants Attracted To?

Carpenter ants are mainly attracted to wooden structures. Like most pests, they crave warmth, shelter, and food sources. What Attracts Carpenter Ants? In order to prevent carpenter ant and termite infestations, it’s crucial to understand everything about these pests and their habits. Let’s take a look at what attracts carpenter ants in the first place.…

How Long Do Carpenter Ants Live

How Long Do Carpenter Ants Live?

The majority of carpenter ants live between six to 12 weeks long. If you suspect carpenter ants have invaded your home, it’s important to understand how long they live and their behaviors. Carpenter Ant Lifespan As mentioned, carpenter ants have a life expectancy of six to 12 weeks. They will develop from eggs to adulthood.…