How To Prevent Drywood Termites

How To Prevent Drywood Termites

Drywood termites can be very destructive pests inside a home or building. They inhabit deep inside wooden structures, creating significant damage over time. Use the tips below to prevent these pests from gaining access to your home. What Are Drywood Termites? Drywood termites do not need contact to the ground in order to flourish. They…

Signs of Termites

Signs Of Termites In Arizona

Termites are small insects that enjoy feasting on wood. Because of this, they typically invade homes, eating away at the wooden framing, trim and siding. There are many kinds of termites, each with particular attributes and preferences, but they are all inclined to show identical signs as invade your home. This post is going to…

Are Termites Common In Arizona

Are Termites Common In Arizona?

Unfortunately, termites are commonly found in various locations of Phoenix homes. In fact, Hawaii is the only state with more reported termite activity per home than Arizona. The valley of the sun features intense heat and humidity, which only encourages termite activity. Types Of Termites In Arizona There are three primary groups of termites that…

Lifespan Of A Termite

How Long Do Termites Live?

Extensive research shows that queen termites can live for decades. Workers and soldiers, meanwhile, typically live for two years. Given the fact that termites live in soil and are exposed to fungi and predators, they are known as great survivors. What Is The Average Termite Lifespan? It’s certainly possible for the termite colonies to last…