While termite bites can happen, they are extremely rare. In most cases, these bites can be managed at home without any medical care. Termites do not pose a risk to humans. Instead, they pose real threats to the wood featured in homes.
Can Termites Bite You?
Yes, termites can bite humans, but this is very rare, as mentioned above. Even if there is some sort of infestation in your home, termites will not seek out humans. They will also never seek out other living creatures, such as parasites, which feed from blood.
Termites eat wood and other plant-based matter, with several different types of termites forming a colony. A termite that could potentially bite you is the soldier termite, but this is unlikely, of course.
Soldiers have more developed and stronger mouthparts compared to worker termites. This is by design to fend off any predators like ants. A bite on your skin is more likely the work of an insect, such as a bedbug, flea, chigger, mosquito, or tick.
Do Winged Termites Bite?
Winged termites are also no threat to humans. Certain termites found in a well-developed colony grow wings to swarm in warm weather and create a new colony.
They will have wings that are the same size and have straight antennae, colored either black or yellow. They will not bite people.
What Do Termite Bites Look Like?
It’s unlikely that you would even notice a termite bite. These insects have tiny jaws, and it’s very uncommon for them to bite people or animals.
A bug bite is a much more common occurrence. Symptoms of bug bites include the following:
- Reddish in color.
- Painful.
- Itchy/irritated.
- Raised and swollen.
If your symptoms get worse, do not hesitate to see a doctor for medical attention.
Risks Of Termite Bites
Termites are not like some insects that carry potential diseases when they bite. A termite bite is ultimately very rare and would be quite mild due to the size and biting ability of the termite.
Humans are susceptible to infection from any bug bite or puncture to the skin. Always keep an eye on the bite area and contact your doctor if the pain or appearance worsens over time.
How To Treat A Termite Bite
There are a few general ways to take precautions at home to treat a termite bite. Here are a few first aid tips for bug bites:
- Wash your bite area with soap and water.
- Apply a cold compress if there is any discomfort.
- Observe the area for any visible changes, such as swelling.
If you are unsure what type of insect bit you, it’s never a bad idea to see a doctor. It’s wise to seek emergency medical help if you experience shortness of breath, become lightheaded, or feel dizzy.
How To Get Rid Of Termites
To eradicate different types of termites, including Formosan, Drywood, and Dampwood termites, it can takebetween just a few days to 90 days after treatment. Let’s take a look at how difficult it can be to get rid of all termite activity.
It takes much longer to get rid of Subterranean termites, though, as 2-4 years may pass before the colony is completely wiped out. Once applied, most termite treatments can last for at least 5 years, with other stronger methods keeping your home pest-free for 8 to 10 years. Let’s take a look at the different types of termite treatments, and which is best for your home!
The amount of time it takes to get rid of termites ultimately depends on the type of treatment, species, and infestation level. The first step toward getting rid of any unwanted pests in your home is identifying the issue and calling for professional services.
Termite Control Phoenix Metro Area
Poor Boy Termite Control can solve all of you termite issues. We only deal with termites as the name implies. We use thermal imaging, with no drilling or guessing. At Poor Boy Termite Control we detect termites and treat them. If you have a termite infestation, Call Poor Boy Termite Control at (480) 994-4240 and schedule an appointment before the problem gets worse!